Friday, November 13, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

What am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Well, first I'm thankful for my family. Second, science. Third, my culinary skills.

My mom was recently diagnosed with cancer for the third time - the second time this year. We have 100% confidence that she will pull through and beat melanoma for the third time. Third time's a charm, right? Unfortunately this means we will all be spending this Thanksgiving at the Massey Cancer Center at MCV. Regardless, I am thankful that we can all spend the holiday together, hospital or not.

This also means I am stepping up to make Thanksgiving dinner this year. I'm not sure if I am more nervous or excited. I love to cook but this is my first time making a turkey. Even if I burn it or leave an important ingredient out, my family will still forgive me and tell me it's the best turkey they've ever had. Being the perfectionist that I am, I want this to smell and taste just like my mom's Thanksgiving dinner that we know and love.

So where does science fit in? I'm thankful for the tremendous developments in science and technology that allow for treatment and remission. While we're all hoping never to have to set foot in Massey Cancer Center again, I'm just thankful science has bought us all more time, and optimistic that this will be the final surgery.

I hear that life never throws more at you than you can handle, which is why I'm ready to make a Thanksgiving dinner we'll always remember.

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